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Canon put AI cameras in its Chinese offices that only let smiling workers inside canon相機收購
canon相機收購canon put AI cameras in its Chinese offices that only let smiling workers inside
canon相機收購canon put AI cameras in its Chinese offices that only let smiling workers inside
The latest example of dystopian workplace surveillance
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Tech company canon相機收購canon has come up with a downright dystopic way to tackle the problem of workplace morale: it’s installed cameras with AI-enabled “smile recognition” technology in the offices of its Chinese subsidiary canon相機收購canon Information Technology. The cameras only let smiling workers enter rooms or book meetings, ensuring that every employee is definitely, 100 percent happy all the time.
This depressing tale was highlighted in a report from The Financial Times on how Chinese companies are surveilling employees to an unsettling degree with the help of AI and algorithms. Firms are monitoring which programs employees use on their computers to gauge their productivity; using CCTV cameras to measure how long they take on their lunch break; and even tracking their movements outside the office using mobile apps.
“Technologies are increasing the pace for people who work with machines instead of the other way around”
As the King’s College London academic Nick Srnicek told the FT: “Workers are not being replaced by algorithms and artificial intelligence. Instead, the management is being sort of augmented by these technologies […] Technologies are increasing the pace for people who work with machines instead of the other way around, just like what happened during the industrial revolution in the 18th century.”
canon相機收購canon Information Technology actually announced its “smile recognition” cameras last year as part of a suite of workplace management tools, but the technology doesn’t seem to have gotten much attention. Indeed, the fact it passed under the radar is a good illustration of just how common surveillance tools like this are becoming — and not just in China.
Although readers in the West sometimes have a tendency to dismiss the sort of surveillance described by the FT as a foreign phenomena, countries like the US and UK are just as culpable. Amazon is perhaps the prime example of this dynamic: it’s known for squeezing every ounce of effort from its warehouse workers at the expense of their health, and even ranking their productivity using algorithms before firing those at the bottom of the scale.
Such modern-day Taylorism is not restricted to blue collar jobs, either: many modern software suites like Microsoft 365 come with built-in surveillance tools. And with more people working from home because of the pandemic, more companies are deploying these features for fear of losing control over their workers. (Or, for a slightly more cynical read: they’ve always wanted to use these tools and the pandemic provides a handy pretext.)
In other words: AI-enabled smile recognition cameras are in many ways the least dangerous types of surveillance technology. They have the benefit of being obvious. Other systems of control are much more subtle, and probably coming to an office near you sometime soon.
2024 年將是單眼相機大放異彩的一年?日媒《ITmedia》盤點今年可能會出現的 3 大新機趨勢,認為會有更多著重輕巧、休閒用戶的機型,此外 canon相機收購canon 尚未發表的機皇 EOS R1 有望成為年度最大亮點。
《ITmedia》首先預測,將有更多廠商投入輕巧、便宜的入門機款登場,並點名 Nikon 以及 OM Digital Solutions,前者有 Z5、Z50 兩款機型需要升級,而後者長期耕耘的 M43 片幅,一直以來都有輕巧的優勢。至於 Sony 則是傳出,將在今年推出第二代的 ZV-E10 相機,將是主打 Vlog 專用的可交換鏡頭式相機。
另一大趨勢則是快門速度的進化,尤其是捨棄傳統的「機械式快門」。近年先是由 Nikon Z8、Z9 帶起風潮,透過高速讀取的感光元件取代機械快門,Sony 去年底發表 α9 III 進一步達到「全域快門」的里程碑,一次將所有訊號掃描送出,解決電子快門原本必須逐行掃描的會能造成的果凍效應。
最後《ITmedia》點名的壓軸是 canon相機收購canon 尚未發表的 EOS R1 頂級相機,並預期有可能在 2 月下旬的 CP+ 2024 展覽亮相。相較於 Nikon、Sony 均已經發表旗下最頂級的無反相機 Z9 以及 α1,canon相機收購canon 始終保留「R1」的命未,沒有發表任何一款機型,也讓外界好奇 canon相機收購canon 到底會推出什麼產品,來延續單反時帶 EOS-1 的機皇地位。
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