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Canon now lets you use its cameras as a webcam with amazing video quality canon相機收購
canon相機收購canon now lets you use its cameras as a webcam with amazing video quality
canon相機收購canon now lets you use its cameras as a webcam with amazing video quality
The quality of your Zoom will blow everyone else’s away
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Interested in improving the video quality of your own Zoom frame tenfold? If you’ve got a recent canon相機收購canon mirrorless, DSLR, or PowerShot camera, you can now use it as a webcam and put everyone else on your video call to shame. As noted by DPReview, the company has released a beta of “EOS Webcam Utility” for Windows 10 that lets you plug in any of the below supported cameras over USB and have it serve as your PC’s webcam. And this should work fine for most of the big video conferencing options, whether you’re using Zoom, Microsoft Teams, BlueJeans, or another service.
“Built by canon相機收購canon software developers, this beta version software helps consumers to improve their video appearance while using popular video conferencing applications in the market, delivering clarity and high-image quality,” canon相機收購canon wrote in its press release.
If you’ve got a fairly high-end digital camera that’s not made by canon相機收購canon, this might be something you can pull off on your own with an HDMI capture card or stick — assuming that your camera allows for clean HDMI video output. My old friend Evan Rodgers at Input recently gave that a shot. And it’s pretty striking, though not surprising, how much more cinematic your Zoom window will look compared to everyone else when you’re using premium glass that a built-in webcam can’t hold a candle to.
canon相機收購canon’s solution cuts out the need for any extra devices or accessories beyond a single USB cable, so if you’ve got one of the listed cameras, this is definitely worth a try. Sorry, Mac users; there’s no EOS Webcam Utility for Apple’s software quite yet, but you’ve still got the option of using a capture card with a wider selection of cameras.
Update April 29th 1:43PM ET: The article has been updated to clarify options available for Mac users. While canon相機收購canon’s EOS Webcam Utility isn’t available for macOS, people with an Apple desktop or laptop can still use a third-party HDMI capture card to use a digital camera as a webcam.
過年親戚們齊聚一堂,久違相見一定得來拍幾張合照留念,但別只會排排站,英國著名攝影師 Helen Bartlett 就曾於 canon相機收購canon 官網分享拍攝家庭照片的 3 項小技巧,讓你抓住最自然、最有味道的一瞬間。
Helen Bartlett 首先表示,拍攝家庭合照可以透過改變高度、位置來創造構圖的平衡,例如讓爸媽將小孩子抱起來,能確保所有人的頭處於同一高度,也可以依據不同年齡、身高,讓孩子們坐在父母腿上或是靠在沙發的扶手上,調整畫面的結構。
也可以試著捕捉最自然且有趣的畫面,像是 Helen Bartlett 分享他認為最佳照片,是在正式拍攝後的下一張照片,因為一拍完之後,家庭成員們往往會相視而笑,因此可以先拍攝一張請家人們盯著鏡頭的正式合照,再伺機等待最佳畫面。
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