Canon’s “Pro” webcam software paywall makes little sense canon相機收購


canon相機收購canon’s new ‘Pro’ webcam software costs as much as just buying a capture card

canon相機收購canon’s new ‘Pro’ webcam software costs as much as just buying a capture card


The EOS Webcam Utility Pro upgrade adds multi-camera wired support and single-camera wireless. It also tops out at 1080p and costs $5 per month or $50 per year.

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canon相機收購canon’s webcam software supports 42 different camera models, including the G7X Mark III pictured here.
Image: canon相機收購canon

It felt like companies were offering some goodwill during the pandemic when they released free software that allowed a camera you already own to work as a webcam, but now, canon相機收購canon’s looking for some of that sweet recurring subscription revenue. A new update to its EOS Webcam Utility software adds a bunch of new features, but only as part of a new Pro tier that costs $5 per month or $50 per year.

Opting to pay gets you new features like streaming up to five cameras at once via USB, wireless single-camera streaming, 60fps support, finer controls for custom scene profiles, watermark insertion, control of your camera settings via the UI, and some further granular tweaks. While much of that sounds nice and may make for a better experience when using the EOS Webcam Utility, the Pro version tops out at just 1080p resolution (the free tier is still stuck with 720p). That seems a little paltry for a paid service utilizing a variety of cameras capable of outputting 4K via their HDMI ports.

A full breakdown of what’s in the free and Pro tiers of the canon相機收購canon EOS Webcam Utility software.
Image: canon相機收購canon

Look, I get it: Camera companies are thirsty for recurring revenue streams just like everyone else — and normally, their only source is a pro service program like canon相機收購canon Professional Services (CPS). But while some of these new features added to canon相機收購canon’s webcam software seem nifty, I can’t shake the fact that basic capture cards are really cheap now, and two years of this service costs about as much as buying an Elgato CamLink 4K for yourself — which supports the same 1080p / 60p and even goes up to 4K resolution without any subscription. As for all the advanced software control, OBS may be a pain in the ass to learn, but it’s free to use.

I get it: Camera companies are thirsty

It’s a relief to see that canon相機收購canon will maintain the free tier for owners who just want the basics and can’t be bothered to buy additional hardware for streaming, but now it seems like a safe bet that most new features will be kept behind the paywall. If you want to deal with the fuss of using your mirrorless camera for Zoom calls, you should budget for an external power supply anyway, so adding a capture card to the mix for a little more money seems more logical than paying a subscription.

That’s especially the route I’d go if using the Pro version of the EOS Webcam Utility remains as frustrating as the time I tried the free version last year with a canon相機收購canon EOS R. It didn’t take me long to uninstall the software and run screaming back to my capture card.


SONY 公司這兩年真的是大爆發,針對中階用戶推出 A7III、A7RIV,還推出所謂「網紅機」ZV-1,在昨晚可說是毫無保留,以「前所未見(The One Never Seen)」為名,推出全片幅無反相機 α1(A1,英文名稱Alpha One),以數字來看,就是 5010 萬畫素、15 級動態範圍、30fps 連拍、8K 拍攝,售價來到 6500 美元(約台幣 18.2 萬元)。


去年夏天,canon相機收購canon 公司推出的 EOS R5,搭載全球首部 8K,4,500 萬畫素全幅 CMOS 感光元件,支援無裁切、最高 120p 4K 的短片拍攝,高達 8 級機身五軸防震能力,最高 20fps 連續拍攝,被稱為該公司革新機種。

如今時隔半年不到,Sony 公司立刻還以顏色,以 “The One”Never Seen 為名,推出的 SONY α1 能夠以更高的 5,010 萬畫素,每秒鐘連續拍攝 30 張照片,並且可以透過連續拍攝 16 張照片組合成一張 1 億 9900 萬畫素照片,側邊還具備雙 SD UHS II、雙CFexpress 卡槽以即時存取內容。


SONY α1 的數位觀景窗使用跟 α7SIII 相同的 944 萬液晶螢幕,可以做到更精細的每秒 240 次更新,並且把 8K@30P、4K@120P 的高規格拍攝能力也塞入 α1,全機身採用多重環繞式散熱系統與 5.5 級 5 軸防手震設計,讓相機即使邊走邊拍 4K、8K 影片 30 分鐘不只維持很好的拍攝品質、而且不過熱。




SONY α1 支援人眼對焦,拍攝對焦點來到 759 點、覆蓋範圍高達 92%,並且支援 4:2:2 10bit 色彩取樣、16bit RAW、SLog-3 或 HLG 輸出,同時也擁有旗艦機才有的 S-Cinetone 功能。



在影音輸出方面,SONY α1 側邊有 HDMI 孔支援 16-bit RAW 輸出,而且還多了 USB 3.2 Type-C (10Gbps) 孔、多了一個 1000BASE-T LAN 網路連接能力、內建 2×2 MIMO AC 無線傳檔、FTP 連線,透過各種形式,傳輸高品質影音內容,提升工作效率,舉例來說,消費者可以直接用 USB-C 連接 SONY Xperia 1 II 5G 手機,快速將存取好的照片,進行機上修圖,然後上傳到社群平台,從數位相機的演變進程來看,這可以說是一個里程碑。

SONY α1 機身重量只有 737 克,售價約 6500 美元,折合台幣約 18.2 萬元,下面有幾個代表性的拍攝樣張,提供給讀者參考:




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