These Canon cameras are secretly Robots in Disguise canon相機收購


These canon相機收購canon cameras are secretly Robots in Disguise

These canon相機收購canon cameras are secretly Robots in Disguise


Surprise! They’re Transformers

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Don’t you just hate it when you pick up your trusty canon相機收購canon EOS R5, only to discover it’s actually a sneaky Transformer? Well bad news, because this nightmarish future spotted by TFormers is actually becoming a reality next year thanks to a collaboration between Takara Tomy (the Japanese company behind the Transformers toys) and canon相機收購canon (the Japanese company behind… well you get the idea).

The collaboration has resulted in a pair of Transformers figurines that are able to fold away into surprisingly realistic looking canon相機收購canon mirrorless cameras. I say “surprisingly realistic” because at first glance I somehow mistook these for functioning cameras. But in case it wasn’t obvious from their ¥ 19,800 (around $147) pricing, they’re non-functional replicas that are only 80-percent of the size of the real thing. (The idea that this could be a functioning camera isn’t so wild considering Takara Tomy has previously produced working MP3-player Transformer toys). 

A Decepticon, complete with its own miniature camera.
Image: Takara Tomy
In camera mode.
Image: Takara Tomy
The surprisingly detailed rear of the camera.
Image: Takara Tomy
Optimus Prime, using a lens as a shield.
Image: Takara Tomy

Probably my favorite detail is the lens cap, which in both cases transform into shields for the Transformers to wield. But a close second is the miniature cameras both figurines appear to be holding in some of the promotional images, which is a delightfully silly addition. One figurine is based on Optimus Prime, while the other is Decepticon Refraktor

Both Transformers are scheduled to release in Japan next year on February 25th, and TFW2005 reports that preorders are open from now until September 28th. It’s unclear if they’ll see a global release. 


蘋果於二月開賣首款空間運算裝置 Vision Pro,開啟虛擬頭盔的軍備競賽!業界領頭羊 Meta 近期傳出,正在籌備一款比現有 Quest 3 更平價的新機型,至於 HTC 則打出業界最大方的分潤比例,要積極拉攏開發者。

有網友在 X 平台釋出疑似 Meta 的官方簡報,透露即將發表「Meta Quest 3S」頭盔,定位將是介於 Quest 3、Quest 2 兩代產品之間,外型上較顯著的差異是在鏡頭感應器的部分,從 Quest 3 的三條橫槓,變成兩邊各三顆圓點。

從流出的簡報也能證實,Quest 3S 解析度將會略低於 Quest 3,落在 1832×1020、20ppd,是與 Quest 2 同級,並也提供 128GB、256GB 儲存空間。根據先前外媒爆料指出,Quest 3S 有望採用與 Quest 3 相同的 Snapdragon XR2 Gen 3 晶片,帶來比 Quest 2 更流暢的體驗,主要是在畫質上相對犧牲一些。

日前 Meta 就曾向外媒《The Verge》證實,今年會推出一款代號為「Ventura」的評價頭盔,目標是在 VR 的消費市場提供最吸引力的價格,這款產品有望是本次流出的 Quest 3S。

至於 HTC 則是著手於調整內容收益分潤率政策,宣布從 4 月 1 日起,所有上架至旗下 XR 應用商店、VIVEPORT 的 VR 內容,開發者將能獲得一次性購買遊戲和應用內容 90% 的收益,代表平台只從中收取 10%。比起其他平台慣例收取 30% 或更高的抽成,低上不少。

HTC 表示,此舉是為了促進 XR 生態發展,讓開發者能在 VIVEPORT 平台獲得更高比例的收益,有助推動整個產業的發展和創新。

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